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SHRJC has four types of membership:

  • Individual full membership
  • Family full membership (two adults and children)
  • Associate membership*
  • Associate family membership (two adults and children)

*Associate membership is only open to individuals and families who are able to demonstrate full membership of another Jewish community.

At present, SHRJC fees are:

Membership typeIndividualFamily
Full membership£100£200
Associate membership£50£100

Please note that the cost of membership is reviewed each year.

To begin your membership with SHRJC, please complete and submit the below form. Your application for membership will then be considered by the SHRJC council. Previous communities and applicants may be contacted for more information.

Once an application has been processed SHRJC will get back to you.

    Are you a member of the Joint Jewish Burial Society (JJBS)

    Please note that contributions to other burial societies cannot be transferred to JJBS so you may wish to continue payment to such societies. More information on JJBS can be found here.