The SHRJC Communal Seder 17th April 2022, starting at 5.00pm
This year’s Seder will be led by Student Rabbi Eleanor Davis who has visited our community before both online and in person.
The Seder will be held in the Portsmouth room of Portsmouth Guildhall
Guildhall Square
The Guildhall is accessible and less than 5mins walk from Portsmouth and Southsea Railway Station.
Secure on site parking is also available for those who need to drive. More information about this is provided once people have booked.
The Event
Our Seder is starting at 5.00pm to enable the widest possible attendance. It should end 8-8.30pm.
It will include traditional elements, a meal and songs .
Haggadot (the new reform version in Hebrew, transliteration and English) and Seder plates are provided.
All you need to do is book, turn up and take part! We look forward to seeing old friends and welcoming new ones.
The Menu
Starter – Eggs or vegan option
Main course – Poached Salmon or vegan option, with new potatoes with butter & herbs and green salad.
Tea and coffee, home made cakes and fresh fruit.
SHRJC members/Associate members
Adults £16.00
Children under 12 years £7.50, under 2 years free
Adults £19.00
Children under 12 years £8.00, under 2 years free
Email alspotten@gmail.com to-say that you have paid by BACS and how many people will be attending.
Sort Code 40-42- 18
Account Number 12426641
Reference: Seder 22
Please help with our planning by booking as soon as possible.
April 29th 7.00pm
An in person event at Daisy’s flat.
Please phone 07748118024 to confirm attendance and bring vegetarian food to share which does not require heating up.
Provisional programme for 2022.
6th May – Face to face Friday night, venue TBC
29th May – Face to face Torah service led by Rabbi Roberta Harris, venue TBC
4th June – Jane Badley’s Bat Mitz Vah at Maidenhead Synagog
Please contact Jane for details
10th June – Face to face Friday night (Shavuot themed), venue TBC
26th June – Face to face Havdalah event, venue TBC
8th July – Face to face Friday night, venue TBC
24th July – Face to face Sunday picnic, venue TBC
No events or services
25th September – Eve of Rosh Hashanah, venue TBC
26th September Rosh Hashanah, venue TBC
4th October – Kol Nidre
5th October – Yom Kipur
9th October – Sukkot
16th October – Simcat Torah
30th October – Klezmer at Portsmouth Guildhall
4th November – Face to face Friday night
20th November – Face to face Havdalah events
18th – 25th December – On line Chanukah
23rd December – Face to face party, 3.00pm at Anna & Stuart’s